Classroom Procedures & Management

This information is sent home with Mrs. Rawl's students at the beginning of the school year. Parents are to sign their copy and return it to school. 

Classroom Policies 
Mrs. Rawl’s 3rd Grade Class
Rules and Consequences
The rules in our classrooms will be as follows:
1.         Use a quiet voice.
2.        Raise your hand before speaking.
3.        Do as you are asked.
4.       Be kind and considerate.
5.        Respect others.
6.       Follow classroom procedures. (Students will be given two weeks to learn and practice how to follow these rules.)
The negative consequences for failure to follow any of the above rules will be:
                Verbal warnings are given on a regular basis.
1.         One stick in pocket – Warning  
2.        Two sticks in pocket – Parent Contact
3.        Three sticks in pocket – Time out in a different classroom & Silent Lunch
4.       Four sticks in pocket – Office referral
5.       Each stick is numbered 1 through 5 and has a specific behavior that is defines.
a.       Stick #1 = Not following directions given by teacher.
b.      Stick #2 = Talking without permission or causing unnecessary disruptions.
c.       Stick #3 = Out of seat with out permission.
d.      Stick #4 = No Homework.
e.       Stick #5 = Disrespectful behavior towards teacher or classmates.
Each day, students will collect sticks when misbehavior occurs. At the end of each day, I will record the sticks that each student has earned. Each pocket is cleared out at the end of each day. At the end of each day, I will record the number of sticks and the behavior that occurred in your child’s planner. (See the “Planners” sections for more information about your child’s planner.)
The positive consequences for following the rules will be:
1.         Positive praise
2.        Notes home
3.        Sweet treats and snacks
4.       Class Reward Coupons are given out on Friday afternoons for students who receive two sticks or less for the week. Class Coupons can also be received on any day of the week to reward positive behavior and achievements.

                We consider fighting to be a situation in which two students are engaged in an altercation in which they must be pulled apart.  This constitutes an automatic referral to the office for both students involved.  Administration will then handle how the issue is dealt with.  Hitting is unacceptable, but in my class, students must follow certain steps in order to ensure they do not end up in trouble.
1.         If you ever hit/push someone and it is an accident, you must automatically apologize.  It does not matter if you “meant to.”
2.        If someone ever hits or pushes you on purpose, you should immediately tell the adult in charge of you.
3.        If you ever hit or push someone who hits or pushes you, both students will be punished.  (See step 2 above)
4.       If you hit or push someone, your parent will be contacted.
5.        If the incident is not witnessed by an adult, I will rely on more than one student witness who gives the same account of the situation.

Students will have homework every night, Monday through Thursday (excluding major holidays). If a student did not complete their homework for the night, the student will receive a #4 stick in their pocket the next day. Students who do not have an assignment when it is due will also have silent lunch the next school day.  NO LATE HOMEWORK will be accepted (unless in case of absence – see “Making-up Missed Work” for details). There will be times when I send important forms or documents home for parents to sign as well as a time and date to return the form. If a student returns to school without his or her form signed, a #4 stick and silent lunch will be given to the student. Bringing the planner to and from school each day is an important part of our homework, as well. There are consequences if a child leaves his/her planner at home or forgets to bring it home at the end of the school day. Your child is responsible for recording homework assignments in their planners each morning, during our morning routine. Students are recommended to bring home their math notebooks for reviewing content/notes learned in class for help on HW. If your child brings their math notebook home, please make sure it is returned to school the next day. (Please see “Planners” sections below for more information on this topic.)

Making-up Missed Work
Work that should have been turned in on a day a student is absent is expected to be turned in the day the student returns.  Work that was assigned during the absence is due in twice the number of days as the student has been absent.  For instance, if a child is absent on a Monday and returns on Tuesday, the work assigned on Monday will be due Thursday (two days after returning).  If a child is absent Monday and Tuesday and returns on Wednesday, the work assigned Monday and Tuesday will be due the next Tuesday (four days after returning).  If you know that your child will be leaving school at a different time during the school day, please send a note with your child or email me so I can prepare any make-up work they may miss.

Students are given a planner at the beginning of the year.  This planner should be brought home each night and back to school each day. If a planner is lost, the cost is $3.00 for a new one.
These planners are a major part of parent-teacher communication.  Please check the planner NIGHTLY for homework and notes from the teacher. Parents MUST sign the planner each night so I will know they have read any comments/concerns that I may have made for the school day. Since parent communication is so important, if the parent does not sign the planner that night, the student will have silent lunch the next day. If a student leaves the planner at home that day, they will have silent lunch as well. Due to the number of children in our class and the preservation of instructional time, the teacher’s notes are usually short.  If there is a problem, I will let you know in the planner, so please check daily! For certain occasions, I may staple important teacher notes/reminders in planners. Your child is responsible for recording homework assignments in their planners, during our morning routine (7:25-8:00). Each morning, before instruction begins, I check and sign each student’s planner to make sure they recorded the correct homework information. REMEMBER: As a part of your child’s homework each night, a parent MUST sign the bottom of the planner.

Returning Materials
Each Monday, a Communication Folder is sent home.  Inside will be a packet of graded work and notes from school.  There may be times when I ask for a parent signature on certain graded assignments. When I ask for parent signatures on certain graded assignments it is usually because the student earned a grade of 75 or below.  When Progress Reports and Report Cards are sent home, these are also sent in the Communication Folder.  Students have two days to return graded papers, Report Cards, and Progress Reports inside of the Communication Folders.

Bathroom Policy
Each child has the opportunity to use the bathroom four times each day. Students have a chance to use the bathroom during arrival in the morning, during snack time, after lunch, as well as after Encore classes, in the afternoon.  Other than that, bathroom trips will only be taken when needed.  If your child has a medical problem which requires them to use the bathroom more often than usual, please send in a doctor’s note.  If your child has an illness that will require extra bathroom trips for a limited time (i.e. stomach bug, bladder infection), a parent/guardian note will be fine.  It is for the safety of your child that I have this policy as I aim to keep your child under supervision at all times!

Snack and Water
Students will not be allowed to visit the water fountain at any time other than bathroom breaks.  They may keep a bottle of plain water at their desks.  Do not send in flavoring packets for this water for it draws ants to our classroom.  I encourage you to bring a reusable bottle that can stay at school during the week and go home to be washed each weekend.  An individual sized snack may be sent in each day to have during morning snack time, but no drinks other than plain water will be allowed during this time.  Other drinks can be taken to lunch but must be kept in lunch boxes. Gum is also not permitted in class.

Accelerated Reader
Students are expected to reach their AR goal each nine weeks.  Each week, a percentage goal will be set to allow students a reward opportunity for working towards their AR goal on a regular basis. Please see my classroom website for further explanation on the Accelerated Reader program at our Click on the Accelerated Reader tab on the right side of the webpage. Accelerated Reader will also be explained in a handout that will be sent home with your child at the beginning of the year. AR will also be further explained on Curriculum Night at our school in September. AR tests cannot be taken at home, only at school, between the hours of 7:25 and 2:30. You will also get a letter at the beginning of the year explaining how to get online access to your child’s AR progress at home.

WGI Media Center Book Checkout
                Each day your child is allowed to visit our school’s media center. The media center allows students to go to the library once each day. Your child should check out three books (two non-fiction and one fiction) on their reading level. Students will sign up on our classroom “library list” each day if they need to visit the library. Students visit the library based on the order of this list. Students can begin signing up for the library after finishing their morning work each morning or when they have finished independent class work during the day. A new “library list” is started each day. Student will also have an opportunity to return and check out books on the day that we have Media/Technology as an ENCORE class.

Prohibited Items
 - Please note that students may NOT bring in any toys, electronics, or electronic related items to school (this includes cell phones). These items will be taken and returned when a parent comes in to collect them OR on the last day of school.
 - Students should bring in money only when necessary.  If you are sending in money, I encourage you to put it in an envelope. It should stay in the child’s pocket or book bag until it can be given to the appropriate person.

Dress Code
Please see the Student Handbook regarding the Wintergreen Intermediate dress code. If students are violating any of the dress code restrictions, the students’ parents will be called and asked to bring a change of clothes for their child. Please double-check your child’s attire each day prior to coming to school.

                Changes to your child’s transportation that occur during the school day must be made before 1:30 p.m. You must call or email the office to notify of the transportation change. The office will then notify the teacher. Students may not ride a different bus home. Students may only ride the bus that goes to their legal residence. 

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